Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome! By: Katie

Hi! Thanks for reading our first post! We created this page to keep our friends and family updated! Most of our family lives thousands of miles away so we would love for them to be able to just click on our page and see what we are up to!

Today is Monday! Caleb left for Oregon with his Uncle Kevin yesterday. Kevin joined us from Oregon on Thursday and we were SO happy to see him! Friday I had surgery on my foot. That was my 5th foot surgery. I kept getting fractures in my tibia as well as my foot was unstable, and the bones on the top of my foot were grinding together. I am currently on crutches and in a cast, and it's not so bad, but let me tell you, it's pretty interesting chasing a 19 month old around on crutches! Bryan has been a great nurse and Kevin was a huge help as well! I am truly blessed!

Caleb left yesterday to visit his Grandparents and family in Oregon. We already miss him terribly. I took it pretty hard, but I know it will be for the best for him. He is going to have an amazing time! Bryan grew up in Oregon and from what he tells me he had an amazing childhood!

Jasmine is learning so much everyday. She is counting from 1-10. She loves to clean and she loves to play. She is a huge fan of her big brother which she calls Bubbie and I am sure she will miss him as well while he is gone.

We have some really amazing friends and we look forward to having some good times this summer. The summer has already been pretty great so it's going to be hard to top but we can certainly try.

This Friday is me and my Hunnie's 5 year wedding anniversary! This 5 years has flown by! It's hard to believe that it has already been 5 years. I am blessed to have my husband and my children. They are the greatest thing in the world. We are planning to make an overnight trip to Panama City Beach this Saturday to celebrate! If you have not been there, I highly reccomend it. I just hope I wont be stuck on crutches for our weekend! My follow up appointment is tomorrow, so here's hoping for some good news!

One thing I will say about these past 5 years is many have come in and out of our lives, but I am happy that my husband has been by my side. Marriage is definitely not all fun and games, there are times, I would like to punch him in his face ;) But we get through it and in the end we come out stronger for it!

Hopefully keeping up with this blogspot, will help me to get some R&R time, most who know me, know it is hard for me to relax. Since I have never been much a TV watcher, the goal for this summer for me is to get addicted to a sitcom! I also need to catch up on a whole bunch of homework! I hope Bryan gets everything he wants out of this summer as well. I know Caleb is going to have a blast and Jasmine will be getting spoiled from Mommy and Daddy this Summer!

Thanks for listening! More to come!


Katie :)